Fostering Connection and Building Community
Strong Hearts - Strong Technique - Strong Dancers


Aerial Hoop Workshop
Join Gena DuBose, of SOAR Aerial Dance,
for an aerial hoop workshop.
Aerial Hoop is a circular metal apparatus suspended in the air. You will learn how to create beautiful shapes below and inside the hoop, as well as entrance and exits. Students will also be introduced to techniques and conditioning designed to build strength and body awareness. No previous aerial experience is required!
Each workshop $50/register for both $90
May 21, 2022 -
Aerial Hoop age 8-12, 1:30-2:24p
Aerial Hoop age 13+, 3-4:15p
May 28, 2022 -
Aerial Hoop age 8-12, 1:30-2:24p
Aerial Hoop age 13+, 3-4:15p
What we're doing to minimize risk
Maintaining regular contact with local health authorities to and review relevant local/state regulatory agency policies and orders for updates
Completing specific training, Count on me NC, provided by NCSU
Ensuring a staff person is responsible for responding to COVID-19 concerns is assigned
Intensifying cleaning and disinfection practices within our facilities
Limiting camp size
Placing hand sanitizer of at least 60% alcohol throughout the building
What we're asking of you
Complete Assessment prior to attending
Wear an appropriate face covering for the duration of your time in the building; bring extra to switch out when they get sweaty
Wash hands or use hand sanitizer upon arrival
No bare feet/bodies
Leave your shoes in a cubby in the front lobby
Practice/dance-wear should be worn to and from class with a coverup for outside. No changing on premises.
NO siblings, parents or other observers in the building