Fostering Connection and Building Community
Strong Hearts - Strong Technique - Strong Dancers
Our Teaching Methods
At DSBPA, we place a heavy emphasis on learning appropriate technique. You won’t just learn skills—you’ll learn the how and the why so that you can do them correctly. This helps with injury prevention and progression so that you can safely build on each previous skill. We won’t teach your skills beyond your level, but we will challenge you safely in every class.
We also teach through the lens of sequencing and choreography. You won’t learn a trick - you’ll learn how to transition from one skill to another, and how to vary your poses and skills so that you can develop your own unique choreography.
Aerial Training
Aerial Silks Training Levels
Conditioning w/ Silks: This class will not only build strength but teach you how to engage muscles in your core. ~ This workshop includes floor work and utilizing silks -- NOT just for Aerialists
Conditioning/Bodywork: Conditioning class gives you the tools to use your bodyweight to build strength and stamina.
Foundations: This class introduces you to silks and builds strength getting you off the ground as you learn how to create a sling, wrist wraps & locks, single & double footlocks, basic climb and more.
Continuing Beginning: This class builds on skills developed in Absolute Beginning and adds split roll-up, double helix, footlocker climbs, footlocker in the air and more.
Beginning Intermediate: This class builds on skills developed in prior levels and adds monkey foot, hipkey in the air, v-up from ground, thigh hitch, ankle hang and more
Intermediate: This class continues to build on skills adding the bicycle climb, same side & opposite side thigh wrap, cross back straddle, and more.
Advanced: This class takes all your skills to the next level introducing windmill hipkey in air, same side knee hook climb, Double knee hook climb and drops.
Kid Classes ages 6-9 ~ Youth Classes ages 10-12 ~ Teen Classes ages 13-16 ~ Adult Classes ages 16+